Bird Feeders!

 We have had a number of requests for our bird feeder recipe. They certainly have been popular and it is fabulous to see some photos of the birds enjoying their winter snack.





·  Mix one cup of flour with water (adding a little water at a time) until it has a PVA glue consistency. 

·  Add 3 cups of bird seed

·  Mix well


·  Grab a disposable cup.

·  Place a straw in the middle of the cup. If you don’t have straws, you can also make a hole through the middle with a pen or similar at the end

·  Place the mixture around the straw.

·  Leave to set overnight

·  Remove the cup once set and then thread some string through the hole made by the straw. 

·  Hang up and enjoy.

Cameron's Bird Feeder

Ella's Bird Feeder


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